Monday, July 18, 2011

Girl Scouts Hike The Madeira School

Our Girl Scouts had a great time hiking the Madeira campus on Sunday, July 17th. The weather in the morning was delightful. The girls were excited to see old friends and meet new friends as well.

Every girl there earn her hiking patch. They observed animals, leaves, feathers, daddy-long-legs, a monster catapillar, tad poles, spider webs and a very unique tree growing back into the earth. I did not see one girl being carried despite some BIG hills. Well done Girl Scouts!

A great big "thank you" to all who participated, especially Kim Newsome and Ann Miller at Madeira who so graciously gave of their time to make this event a reality. We will be making this an annual event for the entire service unit so we will hope to see everyone again next spring.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthdays, Cards & Cranes

Once again troop 2182 continues to amaze. We accomplished so much yesterday. #1 on the list was having fun just being together.

We celebrated the Girl Scout Birthday which is 99 years old this month. We celebrated by everyone bring in a "birthday gift" for the Troop. The theme for the gifts was our Troop First Aid Kit. Thank you Tricia for going to First Aid/CPR training for our troop and all the families for wrapping and supplying the items. We will be prepared for our hike on May 15th! Special thanks go to Mrs. Robin Joss for making birthday cupcakes from scratch from the Big Red Kitchen (and special treats for our egg sensitive girls :-).

We wanted to spend some activity time making thank you cards for our #1 Cookie Manager, Hassen Khraibani. Without his participation the Troop would not have been able to sell cookies this year. He gave generously of his time going to meetings, picking up cookies, collecting funds, and keeping everything organized. Many, many thanks.

Lastly, in support of our Girl Scout Sisters in Japan we made paper cranes as a show of friendship and support. The Girl Scouts in Japan made thousands of cranes and sent them to the US Girl Scouts right after 9-11. We, likewise, want to let our sister Girl Scouts know they are not alone. This effort is being managed by the Girl Scout of the Nation's Capital and many Girl Scout organizations nationwide. We will mail all our cranes as soon as possible.

PARENTS, I NEED YOUR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION. I would like to include a picture of our Troop to send with the cranes but I need you to sign a permission slip. A link is posted on this blog under FORMS. Please sign and email or put in the yellow folder for me to pick up. Please do not delay as I would like to mail the cranes as soon as possible. The picture will also go to our Association for possible inclusion in the GS newsletter.

Action: You can iron/sew on the violet petal, Be A Sister to Every Girl Scout.

One last note about the cranes, many girls wanted to keep a crane but we did not have enough time to make two. If you follow this link you will find easy instructions to make the crane. It is an easy and fun project to do together!

You can click here to go to the you tube video.

Again, many thanks. Each and every girl is a treasure. What a privilege to share such joyous times with these girls!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


The theme for this meeting was "respect myself, respect others, respect authority". We all had a great time learning specifically what this means by playing charades. Each girl drew a ticket then acted it out for all the other girls to guess. They easily guessed "brush my teeth and hair", "wash my face", "get ready for bed on time", "get ready for school on time". Some more challenging examples were "follow the rules", "play outdoors and have fun", "include others", and "listening to my parents and teachers". We had some natural actresses begging for the spotlight and others begging not to have to go. Of course we didn't force anyone. We loved to see, when we suggested the girls pair up and act out some new themes ("sharing toys", letting others go first"), we had more girls joining in the fun.

The girls then drew pictures of themselves showing respect either to themselves or others. They came up with even more great examples like "feeding my dog", "helping someone who has fallen down", and the like.

Lastly we played, "Troop Leader May I?" (our version of "Mother May I?"). The girls learned to listen and follow the rules going from one side of the room to the other by having to take giant steps forward, baby steps backwards, squawking like a chicken, doing ballerina twirls, hopping on one foot - of course, laughing all the way.

These girls are a joy and a a delight! They earned TWO PETALS with all our effort this week. Action: You may iron on or sew on the purple and magenta petals. A big thank you to Sat, Komal's mom, for bringing snack and for Diana Khraibani, Alianna's mom, for joining in the fun. As always, a huge thanks goes to our permanent parent volunteers and co-leaders, Tricia Dean & Helen Yi.

Until next time....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Girls Scouts Hike Madeira

Save the date for May 15, 2011. From 11:00 -1:00PM Daisy and Brownie Troops from SU 51-5 will have a hike at The Madeira School Campus. The campus is situated on 376 acres along the Potomac River. For many of our girls this will be their first hike and we are priviledged to have it in so beautiful a spot.

Permission forms will be sent home with the girls in April and will be due by April 25th.

Please contact Carolyn Pennington with any questions.

Words Matter

The orange daisy petal stands for "responsible for what I say and do". We all were given a piece of shiny, new tin foil then crumbled it into a ball, then smoothed it out. The effect was that there were permanent marks on the foil that would not come out. Likewise, our words are very powerful and we have to be aware of what and how we say things. We talked about some tools like counting to 5 before blurting out something potentially negative, or just walking away. For arts and crafts we made paper dolls from "crumbled" material then had to put positive words on our dolls. Each girl got to pick her own meaningful and positive words and then we shared our dolls and words with the troop. It was great fun.

The girls were given a Reston patch for the back of their vests. ACTION: please sew or iron on the Reston Patch on the back and the orange daisy petal on the front.

A big "thank you" to Monica for helping out and Qing for bringing snack.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Let's Get Fired Up!

Who knew that being courageous and strong could be so fun? Not me! Troop 2182 had a great time yesterday. The girls come rushing out of class to our meeting area literally jumping with joy to be together again. We had snack, had our flag ceremony, shared in our circle time, played our left-right game and best of all... learned some cheers as part of our theme for the day. Mrs. Yi's daughter, Taylor, was gracious to come and teach our girls how to do some cheers. The Most popular was, "Let's get fired up, 2,1,8,2!" We stomped and jumped and cheered so loud. What a blast. (The girls were marching around Mrs. Weathers' class room doing the cheer when I dropped Hannah off this morning :-)

Action: Please iron the red petal on (mine keep falling off so I have to sew)...

Thank you Moms for coming! We can always use the help to keep the girls focused :-)

Again, if you cannot see the pictures on the general blog site, open the page individually from the right hand side of the page. Enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Considerate and Caring

Wow, did we have fun yesterday! Our troop was so excited to get together again and have a good time. Our theme was considerate and caring and we had much discussion about what it means to be considerate and caring. To emphasize the lesson we made cards with colorful construction paper, clip art, glitter glue, foam stickers for a family member/ friend and for a child at Reston Hospital (I will deliver once I hear back from their coodinator). ACTION: Please iron on the light green Daisy petal.

During our share time the girls shared about their dogs, vacations and other travel adventures. Summer plans were discussed a number of times. Is it just wishful thinking that summer is really that close? In any event, there are exciting adventures ahead for a number of our girls.

The theme for next meeting is courageous and strong. If you have any ideas please let me know. Start the discussion with your girls about what it means to have courage and the many ways we can show strength. Likewise if you have any ideas for off site get togethrs please let me know. I am thinking along the lines of meeting at a pizza restuarant for a Pizza Party Patch :-)

Moms, you are always encouraged to attend our meetings. Its chaos and crazy but fun and priceless all at the same time.

Enjoy some picutres from our meeting:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies!

I think I have figured out why girl scouts get badges if the sell large quantities of cookies. Its because of the time of the year! I cannot count how many people are still riding the crest of New Year's resolutions and staying away from sugar laden temptations- even when being pitched from a cute Daisy girl scout. Nevertheless, our forms are due soon so enjoy these last few days of selling.

A hardy cheer for the girls of Troop 2182 that participated in the first Cookie Rally. The girls had fun doing arts and crafts, singing songs, playing cookie bingo and SAMPLING the fun cookies for sale.

Continued thanks to our Cookie Manager for stepping up and helping out!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Daisy Petals

Daisy Learning Petals --- girls are given petals when they demonstrate understanding through their words and deeds their true meaning.
Blue Center: Learn the Girl Scout Promise
Light Blue: Honest & Fair
Yellow: Friendly & Helpful
Spring Green: Considerate & Caring
Red: Courageous & Strong
Orange: Responsible for what I say and do
Purple: Respect Myself & Others
Magenta: Respect Authority
Green: Use Resources Wisely
Rose: Make the world a better place
Violet: Be a sister to every Girl Scout

Friday, January 7, 2011

Girl Scout Week Art Contest

We thought it might be fun to participate in the Girl Scout Week Art Contest. The due date is Feb. 14th in order for the art to be reviewed for inclusion. That means we have two sessions to create a piece of art on "what it means to be a Girl Scout". There are no limits as to what we can do (although it cannot be smaller than 8" x 11"). Please think about this and let us know your ideas. We would like to submit as a Troop. We can use mixed media, photos, fabrics, you name it. Most of all, this should be fun for the girls to explore the many exciting opportunities that exist in the Girl Scout community.

From the GSCNC web site:
You can create a self-portrait, take a photograph, make a quilt, create a drawing or even a graphic design! Just show us what it means to be a Girl Scout today. The best artwork will be displayed as part of the "Portrait of Girl Scouting" exhibit at the Newseum on Girl Scout Day, March 19, 2011.
For more information visit:

7th annual Girl Scout Sweetheart Dance

If you are interested in attending please register directly and not through Trrop 2812.
Troop 5692 would like to extend an invitation to the 7th annual Girl Scout Sweetheart Dance
Event:  Sweetheart Dance
When:  February 11, 2011
Time:    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where:  Reston Community Center
            2310 Colts Neck Road
            Reston, VA 20191-2886
           (703) 476-4500
There is only room for 200 and we usually end up with a wait list.  For the new leader(s) - this is a chance for your scouts to ask their favorite sweetheart (Dad, Uncle, Brother, Grandpa, etc..) to an evening of dancing, door prizes, light refreshments and commemorative photo & corsage.  Please forward to the girls in your troop.  This is an individual event. The girls must be a Daisy or above to attend.
Please call me if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing the "Sweethearts" at the dance!

January 6th Meeting

Wow! Did our girls have F-U-N yesterday! They are really getting into a rhythm in our meetings.

We passed out kapers, Girl Scout lingo for chores (set up, clean up, flag cermony) and the set up crew quickly had the sheets and sit upons out and ready for snack- thank you Annie! We had so much to share since our least meeting we quickly moved on with formally opening the meeting with our flag ceremony (with impromptu singing and clapping) and on to business. During share time a girl talks while winding a string around her finger (hand) and when the string is up her time is up. We heard about trips and parties and good times over the holidays.

Next we played games involving the Gril Scout Law, specifically "honest and fair" and "freindly and helpful." We split up into teams and played rhyming word games. It was great fun all the while learning some specific examples of what it means to be fair and to do the right thing. Mrs. Yi and Mrs. Dean encouraged and helped the girls stay on track. ACTION: Moms you can iron on the light blue and yellow petals!

Then it was on to crafts. Mrs Dean hit pay dirt with foam stickers of all shapes and sizes, glue, markers, pom poms (need I say more?) and the girls made creative calling cards. These cards should be left or given to someone when the girls do something helpful for another person. What it evovled into is anyones guess. Who are we to stand in the way of creativity? Anyway the girls had so much fun, no rules and all play.

We closed with a song and our friendship circle with good thoughts until our next meeting, January 20th.

A great big thanks to all. Especially our permanent parent volunteers, Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Yi. We couldn't do it with out you!