Friday, February 4, 2011

Let's Get Fired Up!

Who knew that being courageous and strong could be so fun? Not me! Troop 2182 had a great time yesterday. The girls come rushing out of class to our meeting area literally jumping with joy to be together again. We had snack, had our flag ceremony, shared in our circle time, played our left-right game and best of all... learned some cheers as part of our theme for the day. Mrs. Yi's daughter, Taylor, was gracious to come and teach our girls how to do some cheers. The Most popular was, "Let's get fired up, 2,1,8,2!" We stomped and jumped and cheered so loud. What a blast. (The girls were marching around Mrs. Weathers' class room doing the cheer when I dropped Hannah off this morning :-)

Action: Please iron the red petal on (mine keep falling off so I have to sew)...

Thank you Moms for coming! We can always use the help to keep the girls focused :-)

Again, if you cannot see the pictures on the general blog site, open the page individually from the right hand side of the page. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful photos! Thank you for leading the girls in the cheers Taylor, they really loved this. I loved the photos of them jumping!
