Friday, February 18, 2011

Words Matter

The orange daisy petal stands for "responsible for what I say and do". We all were given a piece of shiny, new tin foil then crumbled it into a ball, then smoothed it out. The effect was that there were permanent marks on the foil that would not come out. Likewise, our words are very powerful and we have to be aware of what and how we say things. We talked about some tools like counting to 5 before blurting out something potentially negative, or just walking away. For arts and crafts we made paper dolls from "crumbled" material then had to put positive words on our dolls. Each girl got to pick her own meaningful and positive words and then we shared our dolls and words with the troop. It was great fun.

The girls were given a Reston patch for the back of their vests. ACTION: please sew or iron on the Reston Patch on the back and the orange daisy petal on the front.

A big "thank you" to Monica for helping out and Qing for bringing snack.

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